Bubble Fairy

Day: Sunday
Time: 4-5 pm
Stage: Roving

Imagine a fairy arriving at your kids party, then she paints all the little kids faces, plays games and teaches them how to make bubbles using the hands. With a bit of magic her dress changes from navy blue to a rainbow gown dress! Isn't it magic?

Rafaella Masquetti is a passionate actress and gymnast, Bacharel in Physical Education and Dramatic Arts, with 20 years of experience coaching gymnastics for many age groups and 15 years in the arts & entertainment industry. Her acting career started in 2008 when she ingresses "The Taming of the Shrew' Shakespeare Drama Show, working for one of the oldest Brazilian Drama Companies (Teatro do Ornitorrinco). This experience leaded her to CIA K. Circus, where she performed and developed many circus skills. In 2018 Rafaella joined the Channel Seven Television (Australia) as a double for the 'Home and Away" Soap Opera, moving to Byron Region in 2021 and performing for Ascension Byron Bay at "The Shield Maidens' Spectacular, she also coached circus and gymnastics for kids and adults for several companies in Australia.